17 Οκτωβρίου 2024
Customer survey highlights strong quality of service delivered by Rio-Antirrio bridge
On the occasion of the National Customer Service Week that took place last week (October 7-13) organized by the Hellenic Institute of Customer Service (EIEP), the Rio-Antirrio Bridge, subsidiary of VINCI Highways, announced the results of a recent survey regarding the satisfaction levels of the subscribers to Gefyra’s e-pass discount product. The results confirm the high level of service of the Bridge both in road operations and in subscription services.
According to the survey, 82% of the Bridge’s customers are satisfied with their overall experience and the quality of the operations delivered on the bridge. They particularly appreciate the quality of the road’s surface, the street lighting and the adequacy of road signage. The study also highlights that the Bridge’s operational initiatives are recognized by its customers. Respondents notably showed good awareness of the quality inspections with alpinists and underwater.
In terms of customer service, 73% of respondents are satisfied with the behavior, knowledge, and positive attitude of front-line staff, including toll collectors, traffic safety officers, and customer service representatives.
Regarding the services provided for subscribers of the e-pass discount programs, the results were positive with 75% of customers expressing their satisfaction. The MyGefyra application is the first choice for managing the subscription account (55%), followed by the online service from www.gefyraepass.gr (37%). In addition, 76% of respondents are satisfied with the ease of electronic top-ups of their accounts. The degree of satisfaction regarding the functions of the application, confirms the company's recent actions to modernize the application itself, with the aim of its further evolution in 2025, to provide easier and more efficient account management.
In addition to sharing these survey results, the Rio Antirrio Bridge celebrated Customer Service Week by organizing an exclusive Open Day for e-pass subscribers. Attendees had the opportunity to observe the Bridge’s operation and maintenance activities up close, including visits to the Traffic Management Center and the M4 Pylon. The event gave participants an insider’s look at the resources and expertise involved in ensuring the Bridge’s operations.
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